

Ahh yes, the urge to put thought to paper, with pen and pencil, is as old as the art of speech, most likely. I indulge as often as i'm able in this wonderous practice, writing the images and visions that come to my rather...interesting mind. Let me share these..delicate thoughts and feelings with you here. Nothing offensive is here - just tales of nature, and happiness, and joy amoung my peoples.


Happy and Lunette Visit the Magic SchoolBus
My latest - and perhaps greatest - work. The Magic Schoolbus addresses a serious and important issue in our socioty, with the help of Lunette, Molly, and of course, my loveable character, Happy the Clown.

Happy The Clown
This is the story in which Happy is introduced to the readers, and his character is fleshed out, from humble beginnings, to glorious current state. There is some real emotion in this story - some real feelings.
A good, Kind Man, named Vim Bastardi, Has returned happy to us. I think we should all give thanks to him in both our prayers and our daily thanks giving. Amen brother, amen. Oh, and if you should ever meet Vim, or his enchanting Creation Begbie, be sure to tell him "Deth Says Thanks". - Deth.

Blue's Clues - a FanFic
I have, for several months now, been a great follower of the Tv Show "Blue's Clue's" on Nickolodeon. I feel that the show is a great influence for the very young of us, and this story follows in that vein. Suitable for a bible school recital or perhaps even a bed time story.

A Play for Gholam
This is acutally not a story, but a Play, written for my buddy Gholam on
AsylumNet (he had some silly school one he was doing, so i decided to help him out). It's about girls, mostly, and the expectations (and suprises) they give us in every day life; i make an alusion to Racial and Ethnic issues, and certainly do my part to further the idea of "girl as diversity, male as mundane". Give it a read - well worth it.

Little Bear's Big Fun
A growing and learning romp with little bear and freinds. Emily plays a minor role. This particular fan fiction helps explain the "inner natures" of some of the more enchanting woodland creatures - while all but mother and father bear play a role, Chicken, Cat, Emily, Little Bear, and Duck play a signifigant role - Owl also makes a non-speaking appearance.

"Command" - A Natural Selection Fan Fiction
This was formerly on the Mud Library page, but i decided (after a bit of cajoling from freinds) to put it up here to. It's not like my other stories - it's based (fairly closely) on NS, though it does at time stray from the "realities" of the game. It's fairly long (43K worth of plain text, booya), and fairly detailed and complex. I hope you enjoy it.