Note from the WebMaster (the Deth-ster himself (whom also is content director, editor, and proof-reader):
I'm sorry for the recent downtimes of this site; it's beyond my control. However, it's not yet gone down permently (and shows no signs of doing so), so just check back in an hour or so and it should be up. Thanks, Deth.

Quick Links: WebCam
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Greetings, mon Amie's and strangers. This is the page of Deth-B0y; if you dont know who i am, that's cool - you'll find out soon enough (heh heh heh). Here's a bit of lame-ass personal info about me; just so you know:
1. I'm 20 years old (Bday's Nov-3rd).
2. I own a WebCam ( A QuickCam pro - quite nice, but the image quality is lacking due in a large part to the low pixel-per-inch ratio of the CCD)
3. I use Anawave CoolCat 4.01 to do this site - it's quite nice, kinda like a hopped up text editor on speed. I Do however use FrontPage Express for color and some other "asthetic" stuff.
4. My first name is Jerry; not Gerald, not Garry, not Gerry; it is Jerry. Just Jerry.
5. I hang out on AsylumNet (where I'm an IRCop and UComm director). Check them out at: Thier Main page They got a java chat and shit, so thier pretty good to go.
6. Btw, check this out: ya can message me from the site now. Yippie KyA! The ICQ contact thingy
7. Hey, got the WebCam added. The Webcam
8. Hey, i got a Guestbook and Counter Sign the guestbook at: Here , View it Here God help your souls; I'm not gonna edit this.
9. Added a NS section; check it out here
10. Hey added in my stories. Check'em out here
11. Added a "news" section. It's Here.
12. Those Crazy shit heads at #shadowrun on AsylumNet have put up some of my "editorial" style writings on thier page. It's at Http:// under "Deth's Chamber". Enjoy.
13. User Survey up Here
14. New message board up Here

More will be here later. Thanks.