Natural Selection: The Natural Choice for Fun!


Natural Selection is a MUD, or "text based adventure game, often reminscent of role playing games, but infact posessing several unique traits" (Deth and Funk's 1999 dictionary of fabrications, 2nd edition). This particular one is at and i think you should play it, because it's cool.

Of course, if you told me that i'd laugh at you, and go back to staring at something of intrest. Soo..i've decided to "show you the money" so to speak. So, here are a few Fun things you can read about NS (or Natural Selection), to gather that it really IS the Natural choice - For Fun.

Area reviews by Me
Stuff by Me
Opinions by Me, and maybe others at a later date
My Imm Shrine
A Java chat app for the #NS channel on AsylumNet.

Update on Maps: All maps are done, now, and around 8 are in the checking phase. Expect preliminary Zip to be up fairly soon.