Mapping Methodologies
Ahh the joys of exhaustive mapping. Nothing like writing down 400 N;E;W;S; etc's for an area the size of Manhattan. But, hey, some puke needs to do it, and why not you? I'll give you some convincing reasons to map first, though.
1. There aren't any conclusive
HQ-To-Area maps for the entire world
2. There aren't any conclusive in-area "key to key"
maps for the entire world
3. whoever does this and publishes it will become a God in the
eyes of mere mortals.
Ok, so now you know why to map - now on to HOW to map. There are 2 kinds of maps (so far as we're concerned). One is the "artistic" or "nice" map, which i call a "physical map". This type of map covers such things as the acutal layout of an area; they typcially form a shape and have paths and such. The other type of map is a "Spider" Or "route" map; it's the type found in your guide book. it has step-by-step, easily pasteable directions to a given feature from soem "standard point" - usually a clan healer or the "first room" of an area (as defined by the area-path).
One of my goals is to have a book of these paths in Sirocco HQ. So, i will give you a nice and easy "format" to give me for this book - Though this wont mean much to you unless your IOWA, it would look rather nice to get them all into "standard" format.
Physical Maps: use -'s for doors and such, with symbols (letters ect) to show where a specific thing of note is. I dont make this kind of map; sorry. I'd prefer not to use'em - thier to artistic, and not practical enough, as well as to damned big.
Spider maps: Now your talkin, baby. These are (much) easier to
do, smaller (much), and more practical - to a point. The problem
is in the implimentation. Ideally, a system would exist which
would possess 3 parts:
1. a "whole world" map, of base (ideally healer) to
area's "first room".
2. a "whole area" map, of each area's "key
points" - ideally shops and important mobs. (here's one
implimentation problem: how do you map the location of a
wandering mob? i suppose just put it to whatever room you saw it
in first and note it as such), starting at the "first
room" and moving on in. (this presents another problem - how
do you go to 2 places in the same area, without starting over?)
3. a system of "backtracks" from each "key
point" to the first room of the area (if possible - if not,
note it as such).
I can expect for sure to get #1 done. #2's a possiblity with some "large" or "important" (read cantilure, midgaard, ect) areas; #3's a pipe dream or a "wistful wile" activity.
the acutal format of the maps should look like:
Direction; Direction; Direction; Comamnd (open door as an example, or "enter mirror"), all seperated with a semi-colon, in plain text, in one line. heres an "acutal" example (the one to get to the east gate from SC's healer):
n;w;n;n;u;e;open east;e
Peice of cake, right? neato. lable it above the line with the dirs, btw - to keep stuff seperate. peice of cake.