Kyla's Shrine

While Kyla's not known for building areas, or for coding unique features, she is known for being a good person, and one whom is well liked and whom fulfills a very important purpose.

It is kyla whom offers advice to clan leaders, and approves/impliments(?) All the upgrades that are done to all the halls - be they 25 new rooms, or a sanc on a guard. She's also known to give long and drawn out discussions to people, counselling them on the best course of action - for all concerned.

While i have few "kyla reminisces" and many Taws memories, one thing that does strike my memory is the Poetry Contest. It seemed that the imms wanted to promote Natural Selection, using a cute poem done by the players, rewarding the best (selected) poem.

It was a good plan, and produced some very nice poems. A frequent and recurring theme was "ode to kyla" - more or less love poems. Most people woulda let this go to thier head, or become irritated, or something - but it never even slowed kyla down. She acted like nothing was going on. Corloth, by comparason, wrote fascinating..poem to the love sick poets, which detailed the fate of anyone so foolish as to get near kyla.

It reminded me very much of how kyla is over all - walking quietly, treading softly, and carrying a massive stick, lined with small spikes and tipped with enough cyanide to poison a sperm whale. From what little i know of her "outside the mud" life, she's done a great deal of "good work"; though i'm not certain what exactly that entails, i'm sure it's something that we should all be thankful someone's doing it.

So, be sure you note kyla, telling her thanks for being there for us, in some of our darkest hours. And tell her thanks for being so kind as to do our clan upgrades - cause without 'em, we'd be screwed. :)