What Would Taws Do?

In today's turbulent NS world - where alliances move like shifting clouds, and your freinds can become your enemies over night, a guiding light is needed - a beacon to show us the way. I racked my brain - who could be our role model, our savior?

Then, it came to me. Taws could be our beacon, our light, our role model. Taws, in his celt-necromancer wisdom, could lead us to a world of new peace and prosperity. That is why I've launched the WWTD campaign. it's the "What would Taws Do?" campaign

What does it mean? Simple. When faced with a situation - make the decision you think Taws would, in your place. Lets take some examples....

Situation: A Level 8 firestormer, whom is a rank newbie, attacks you, on advice of a Tsunami high-level. You are a level 70 barnesian assassin. QUICK! What would Taws do?
Solution: Taws would first kill the insolent fool. Then, after looting the corpse and sac'ing all the EQ, and bragging about it on gossip, he would kill the lowbie as he walked out of FS HQ, claiming repeatedly that he was "paid" to do it, by Tsunami. When questioned by FireStorm leaders, he would repeat the story several times. Seems a GOOD idea to me, doesn't it? far better then the petty violence normally found.

Situation: A level 15 female clan member comes to you, seeking "intimate" relations. She confesses to you in private that she's only 13, but that she can call you, if you'd like, on the telephone for phone sex, and even send you pictures via E-Mail or ICQ. QUICK! What would Taws Do?
Solution: Taws would say, "what's a female?" followed by severeal small giggles and "girls make me nervous!" before logging off never to return.

Situation: A well liked and respected clan member is multiplaying, and you catch him, admitting it on ICQ. QUICK! What would Taws do?
Solution: Taws would first blackmail the person for whatever he wanted - money, food, sex. Then, after meeting all his demands, Taws would turn the cheating fucker in. Cheating is Bad - Don't do it.

Situation: You're playing NS, and your parents tell you it's "time for bed" - your only 14, and tonight IS a school night. QUICK! what would Taws do?
Solution: Taws would pull out his pistol - a Desert Eagle .50 AE - and snap two rounds into the head of whoever it was whom didn't have a job. Then he would - quietly and quickly, in a level voice - explain that HE was in charge here, and that any "bitch" (of either gender) who wanted to take NS away from him could kindly step up now, because one was down and two would only get him another 6 months in the hole, on top of the 6 the first murder got him. Then he'd probably have the worker bee help him hide the corpse, or perhaps make them eat it as punishment for "rising up" against him. *note: i'm pretty sure the Kycor.org staff doesn't condone violence, so it's a damned good thing i run this page, instead of the Kycor.org staff, eh?*

Situation: a clan mate has confessed to you he's stolen some of a fellow clannies EQ, from the storage locker. He's afraid that he'll be found and punished. QUICK! what would Taws Do?
Solution: First he'd blackmail the puke bag for everything he was worth, to keep quiet. Then, lording the knowlege over the puke sack for the rest of the month, he'd wait for some tiny offense to set him off. Could be anything - the puke speaking out of turn, not bringing his palm wine fast enough, perhaps "holding out" on him, equipment wise. Then Taws would report the puke, acting as though he'd just found out.