Top 10 Ways to Know Your Addicted to NS:



1. Someone at work says "Till" in some normal context, and you try to open the phone book, looking for a Thin Red Wand

2. You wake up in a cold sweat from a dream of being cursed and blind, while an assassin is cobra-ing you at every turn.

3. You refuse to go on a cruise in the mediterranian, because you might run into the Hydra.

4. You mutter things like "damned PK'ers" and "fuckin looters!" when you hear a commercial for Discovery's special on Tsunamis

5. Your severely disappointed when said special doesnt' feature any acutal Tsunamis, but rather just big waves.

6. You get bored, and practice NS Fighting moves in Real Life (ala cobrastrike) {Ed. Note - I've acutally done this, no joke}

7. You say "say" in real life before a sentance {Ed. Note: I've acutally done this, no joke}

8. You use NS Refrences in every day speech (Ala: This reminds me of the time Till and Ukko Invaded SC HQ, in that...)

9. You write down NS-Style directions to key locations in your life (IE: From the bed to bathroom, stand, east, east, east, down, down, west, west, south, sit toilet)

10. You imagine doing your NS Characters fighting moves on people you meet who annoy you (IE: Cast 'spectral hand' prep)