Top 10 ways to know your addicted to the sprite Race in NS


1. You keep wishing you could go mote to avoid various day-to-day responsibilities

2. You keep wishing you could go mote to play "pranks" on other people

3. You hear of "primal scream" therapy in the paper, and make a note to avoid the entire area by a several-block radius

4. While at work, you keep trying to throw darts of various types into the next room to hit your co-workers.

5. While at home you sprinkle "faerie dust" of various varieties on yourself to make you less vunerable to injury

6. You've asked for Faerie dust at stores, to no avail - damn the man!

7. You refuse to lift a heavy load, saying "my str's only 15!"

8. You fall in love with one of the 7 dwarves, thinking "Oh, sure he's short - but his STR would come in handy when he had to tank against a celt!"

9. You do a mock wedding cerimony for the one of the 7 dwarves you've fallen in love with, going so far as to aquire or build a pair of "Pixie wings"

10. You wear pixie wings under your day to day clothes.