Top 10 ways to Know your a Member of Sirocco


1. You constantly flee from combat, because some dipshit gave you 200 lbs of hero level gear to carry during a base raid - when your level 25

2. You find a new cash run, and are afraid to use it, because of the fear the imms will take it away.

3. Your HQ's got more toys and tricks then Toys-R-Us

4. Your clanleader's donated so much money he can buy his Own healer.

5. You would rather wander around then try to level

6. Your Never broke.

7. You sell your set of Demon Gear - cause hey, money rocks!

8. Your clan has more position titles then any other clan - but yet none of them seem to acutally MEAN anything.

9. Your clan's leadership is muttering something about "molly" and "dolly" and "WJ"

10. Your HQ's got more money in toys then rooms