Top 10 ways to tell your Addicted to the Celtic Race on NS
1. Someone says "con" in a social group, and you blurt out "yea mine's 25"
2. Someone around you is more intelligent then you, and in an argument you scream: "OH YEA? WELL I CAN TAN MY OWN EQ AND PRIMAL YOUR CASTER ASS!" - in the middle of the office, at work, during a coffee break.
3. Any time someone mentions a class on NS, you "let it slip out" that Celt's are best at that class
4. You brag about how many HP you have AND how much Mana you have
5. You've acutally looked into how hard it would be to learn "tan" in real life
6. You've acutally bragged in a Non-NS forum about how many HP you have
7. You gloat with every level, how many HP you got
8. You type "c 'primal' " in a word processor, while thinking about deafening your co-worker so he'll shut up
9. You enroll in "Primal Scream" therapy, thinking it might help against necromancers and fanatics
10. You keep pondering how hard it'd be to "track" someone in real life, just to "find out where they level"