Sanctus Bellum - By Taws


I promised myself, when I started doing reviews, that I'd be as non-favortistic as possible in my reviews - that an area would sink, or float, on it's own merits, without any other factors. I've stood by that - but this review may make you think I'm a bit shakey on it. It's another taws area - and after the pretty good review of the Nexus, this one's gonna be marginally better.

Sanctus Bellum is undoubtably best known for it's Balms and Pills. Balms, which are 10X cure light (or some such - I can't get an ID magic to work on one for some reason), and Pills - which are Mana Restore (the only place not at a healer you can get this btw), are 2 shining gems in the crown that is Sanctus. Mob prog's have troll's picking their teeth with bones, crusader's asking how the life is back in Barneyton, and everything looking smooth, chaotic, and well done. There are two full camp's done, flanking the central battlefeild. The side of good has Balms and Pills; Evil has..well i'm not sure what evil has.

The equipment's fairly good - not super, but certainly better then the norm. Like all taws equipment, with rare exceptions, it's not so great as to be twink, but not so horrid as to warrent never using it. The balms and Pill's are well hidden - you won't be finding them unless you either know what to look for, or are though.

For as good as this area is, some things could have made it better. At a certain level-threshold, mobs auto-attack you, based possibly on aligment. It'd be nice of the mobs of your alignment, in that room, assisted you, then did a "just helping a brother" type of prog when the bad guy was dead. Of course, if Death attacks - your Screwed (particuarly when he tells everyone he just sent you to the hereafter...), as he's Neutral. It'd also be nice if the leader's did something based on your aligment - perhaps an all-level aggro to good/evil (depending on the leader). Since the guards auto-assist, it could be..quite intriguing.

Other then that, this area's really reminiscent of "Evil Dead 3", if it'd had more..stereotyped good and bad sorts. Also note that there's alot hidden here; having your detects up could be handy. If your under around level 40, I'd not go - the Battlefield is rather large, and fleeing into aggro's isn't pretty - 2 flees and you could be Anywhere. Other then that, lock and rock, and enjoy your visit to Sanctus Bellum - and kudo's if you can figure out what the latin means :)