Lost Wonders by Spartacus
This area brings new meaning to the phrase "sleeper hit". I'd discovered the acutal area it's self some time ago (it's not hard to find), and was impressed by the vivid descriptions and wholly unique use of color. Every room has at least some color - if it describes a gold inlay on the floor the word "gold" is in - you guessed it, gold. You get a distinct sense of "fun" and enjoyment out of the area; you feel as though your exploring a child's playhouse or perhaps a cocky answer to an upper-echelon request to "use more color".
However, after you find the REAL entrance to the area, you find that it is no 'cake run' - at least at the lower level ranges. Level 38 River Fiends, and a few unique twists make this area a real enigma. After the decrepit entrance, you find a thriving temple, full of pilgrims, altar boys, and priestesses. Everything is well described, and the EQ is "mediocore"; however this oyster has a pearl, hidden behind a fly and water breathe passage, that makes the entire project worth while. I'll give you a hint - it's a crystal, a floater, and level 40 - you do the math.
Another interesting note on this area is that (aside from putting Water Breathe to use), is that it's a "race-based" area. Everything here is Kycorian; much as everything in New Felani is Felan. I'm still waiting to find (or have made) the Celt and sprite cities - and a true "barnesian" city (as barneyton is rather diverse in it's racial makeup). This alone makes this area unique, and special enough to look at - but not even this can save it from it's faults.
What, you ask, are these faults? Well, it's mis-named; "lost wonders"? there are no wonders here, except of course for the Crystal, and a river of gold, both of which are comparativly minor wonders. Also, the area is clearly centered around the "show peice" of the crystal - the other gear is fairly un-valuable, in any regard. Also, while a "bit" of color is good, there's almost to much used; it distracts (and draws your attention to things that aren't there, at several points). This area also showcases one of my pet-peeves, that so far only Taws has ever acutally dealt with - and he (while doing a reasonable job) fell slightly short of my hopes. When your over a river of gold (obviously molten), the room descriptions talk about you burning, and being in pain; why then is there no prog or other method of insuring a small (but insistant) Hp loss. Such features (while small) are signifigant to me - just as i feel there should be a chance of being poisoned or made sick by sewage. it would add realism, and a certain urgency - you dont want to loiter to long in an area that's slowly (but surely) killing you.
So, check it out, explore - recommended for level 40+. You Won't be disappointed, even if i was :)