Cavern of Hero's by Satin
This is both one of the most interesting and one of the most disappointing areas in all of NS; so much so that it nearly evens out. I'll start with the good news and work to the bad.
The Good: the Descriptions. Everything from mobs to items to rooms are well and throughly described; so colorfully that you could nearly write a book about them. Weapons have names - AvengerFire, WinterSinger, SoulSnow, SummerPoint. Equipment is colorful and well desc'd - you almost feel as though your seeing it instead of reading about it. Also, the area is very "binary" - one half are good, one half are evil; all equipment is good/evil flagged as well. Most mobs are aggro to a certain level range (up to the Maiden of Blood, whom is still aggro to me at level 64). It's worth a trip here once just to see the names of the mobs and the equipment - each mob, for example, has a short explanation in it's description of how it got to where it is.
The Bad: The interaction/complexity/theme. There's none of any of those 3. I could locate no progs to speak of, no quests, no shops, nothing. It's like your literally in a museum, displaying someone's ability to type pretty descriptions and set aggro flags. No mob/player interaction, no explanation - the whole thing is, as i've said, a museum displaying someon'es ability with descriptions, instead of any acutal "purpose".
This area is also light years outta the way - if your not looking for it or unlucky you might not find it. It's also a "trap" area - once you enter you can't walk out (which really sucks, especially if you happen to be cursed/etc). The whole area is simply (if a bit confusingly) put together; mobs in groups of 2 stand at various points, waiting blankly for you to kill them.
Mobs here are, btw, on the whole rather tough. At least 3 hit "through charmies" (area attack). One's Death's Nymph, the other 2 ya can find on your own :). Several Cast, and most are rather tough for thier level (due perhaps to the stats-enhancing Eq) or some other, unknown factor. If you dont have charmies, i'd not recommend this one - tankers really help.
So, go get ahold of Marguarite (or whoever the hell it is that sells directions, thier across from west temple), and find the Cavern of Heros - and see how many ya can bag and tag :) It's worth it for the desc's - and an extra 100 rooms, some shops a small village, SOMETHING of intrest, and it'd be a really great area instead of just a good one.